Saturday 13 October 2007

Disaster Looms for the Reef

I wake to Saturday morning's papers and tea - bliss!

However, as I page through the SMH Good Weekend (Oct 13) I come to the article by John van Tiggelen "The Tropical Time Bomb". Having recently visited the Whitsunday's and been disappointed with our snorkeling experience and lack of colourful coral, I decided this would be a particularly interesting article to read.

It is clear from the article that disaster looms large as the Great Barrier Reef dies. The scientific research indicates that global warming, rising sea temperatures, the occurrence of extreme weather events and increased ocean acidity are all symptoms of the world's reluctance to cut greenhouse emissions.

Although I am a fan of hot weather, it appears that we are having extreme weather events and hotter summers which is causing the coral to bleach.... and die. Further, rising acidity from the oceans absorbing carbon is resulting in coral reefs around the world to die and disintegrate.

It appears that in my lifetime the once Great Barrier Reef is in danger of being wiped out and this is a disaster.

I think back to my 12th birthday (some 19 year ago) when Mum packed me up to fly to Queensland (all by myself!) to spend a few weeks with my cousins. On that trip we did many amazing things, including camping at Mission Beach and taking a trip out to the Reef.

My memory is of vivid colours and it being far, far more beautiful and colourful than any photograph could ever capture. The fish, giant electric blue clams, sharks and many different types of coral. Incredible is the only way to describe it.

However, perhaps I am one of the lucky ones to have this memory. Perhaps it will never be like this ever again? I pity anyone who have not witnessed the beauty.

I would deeply love to visit the reef again to 1) and see how it has changed, and 2) hopefully experience the vivid colours and ocean life I remember so fondly. I hope I don't have to wait too much longer.

But more importantly, I hope the reef will be there for future generations to experience as I have.

We must all do our part to cut greenhouse emissions now - please.

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