Thursday, 25 September 2008

Life after the WIN

Well, can you believe it? John actually won the 2008 Moth World Championships!!!!!!

It was all very exciting and a great result!

The whirlwind of that last day of racing ended with us taking home a HUGE trophy! The next morning at 5am we attempted to pack the car then drive to London Heathrow to start our holiday in Greece. We got a bit lost... but made our flight which was lucky. They even let us on the plane with the mountains of bags and the big box with the trophy! What a circus.

Anyway, what can I say. Greece was AMAZING. Two weeks on the trusty "Apollo" catamaran and our fellow passengers - the rest of the Harris clan. Many stories, wonderful moments and about 1,200 photos. Then two days in Athens.

Then home.

The bad news is that after such a fabulous trip it has taken me a solid 2 months to get over the post-holiday depression.... back to reality as they say.

I guess it's not all bad - we are off to America on Saturday to visit Andrew, Sandy & Oscar! Yay!

Anyway, I will post photos when I get time.

P.S. sorry for not updating the blog - my fault (not John's). There have been a few complaints... and I did not even think anyone reads this this!

Stay tuned...

The Moth World Champ, me and the HUGE trophy! On some remote Greek Island...

